I booked tickets to Amsterdam today. Not going until November, but it felt good to get the tickets. I was getting really overwhelmed about all of the places I want to go and not being able to decide where I wanted to go most and when and with who, so today I just went for it. Man I love planning things. Legal marijuana and sex shops here I come! Just kidding. Only windmills and Hans Christian Anderson museums for me(those things are both in Amsterdam, correct?).
Yesterday, Marine and I went to Versaille (if you don't know who Marine is, please refer to one of the below blog entries). It's a pretty sweet pad. Marine is fun, not your typically Parisian. She wears a lot of heavy eyeliner and listens to rap(mostly French, but she is a big Black-Eyed Peas fan, both pre- and post-Fergie) and just got back from 6 weeks in Buenos Aires. Five straight hours of intensive conversation only in French.
My friend Emily and I enrolled in a dance course in the Marais, a hipster-trendy-artsy part of Paris with a thriving homosexual community and lots of hair salons. It's a hip-hop class. The class seems pretty great--lots of "cool" Parisians, with their baggy sweat pants and fashionably ripped tank tops and oversized jewelry that somehow stays in place through the grueling hour and a half of grooving. I, by the way, am not a very good dancer. That was the first thing that I learned in dance class. It will be fun, though. The teacher is actually from L.A.---sassy black city woman turned expatriate. There was also an American woman who is here for a year teaching English--she and I got to talking, and somehow came to realize that we were both in the midst of reading the same Maupassant book, and both of us were carrying it with us in our purses. Anyway, point is, I'm going to be a hip-hop machine come December.
There are a bunch of homies by the door of Cafe Titon and I want to be their friend. That will be mission #2, after becoming a regular.
Tomorrow is my first class at Paris VIII, another one of the big Paris universities.
Saturday is "Nuit Blanche," which means everything stays open all night. Things stay open late anyway, so I'm not quite sure what difference that will make, but everyone seems pretty pumped about it.
In Paris, the three most common things to see when one walks down the street are hunched over, bundled-up old women walking microscopic dogs, pre-adolescent girls dressed like 30-year-old women and smoking cigarettes, and (probably related to item #1) dog poop. The old women, by the way, all wear the same calf-length off-white coat.
Tonight I think I'm going to an Irish bar in St. Michel to meet up with some French college students that came to a conversation hour at IES last night. We'll see.
Oh, and Malika, if Maggie (or someone else) is reading this out loud to you, I wanted to let you know that I saw something in the window of a Chinese restaurant today called a Malika. I'm not sure what it was, but it was some kind of Asian treat.
using laughter to appear funny is nothing new to me miss - how many i've fooled
also, though i'm not familar with nuit blance (sounds fun lets bring it to cmont!), I am aware of a "dame blanche" which I recall to be some sort of ice cream with chocolate sauce concoction. That might be good too.
keep punctuating! and write me an email peas
hoho You had had me laughing out loud - great entry. Hans Christian Anderson by the way is Danish, but I'm sure he was very fond of the Dutch. Amsterdam - that was where you almost got whipped off a merry-go-round when you were two. (Ah, already an adventuress.)(I see what you mean about parentheses.) Anyway, aside from windmills, funny brownies, and canals, Amsterdam is also known as the site of the Rijksmuseum, which includes a whole lot of Van Gogh. Which I understand is pronounced something like Vhon Hock with lots of hoiking.
wow it really seemed like you were spiraling out of control there for a moment, but i was most impressed with how you reeled it back in. i could use some tips on that.
while i was in spain i had my interests changed to "coffee, red wine, soda, teeth whitening products," or something to that effect, so understand that i feel your pain on this front, although i must say i'm surprised to hear you've developed a regular coffee habit (do you drink full cups of espresso? this sounds frightening.)
second semester nuit blance in claremont seconded, that's just the kind of fete we could use around here. i spent friday night playing a rousing game of taboo before falling asleep during the first five minutes of "ghost world."
what does it say about the depravity of our society that we know for sure that amsterdam is a land of pot and hookers, but can't so quickly recall the great minds and cultural points that are also integral to the city's identity?..jk....
we ate at frank tonight. it was weird.
Kate, you are giving me such a jones for Paris. You never mention sleeping... do you have time for that?
I COMPLETELY forgot you had a blog. I have literally been speculating about your life in Paris, wondering if I'll ever hear from you. I called Michelle today and asked about you, and she was like "well, you've been reading the blog right?" So I just updated myself on your past month and a half or so. I know. I'm a retard. You're just too 21st century for me.
It's so great to know you're having such a good time. I'm proud of you for going to bars alone and speaking French for hours and hours on end. You are going to be AMAZING at French by the time you get home. I'm jealous.
Ok. I've got you bookmarked (I leared how to do that like yesterday) and you will now be hearing far more from me. When do I actually get to talk to you? Think of me in New York sipping on Yellowtail in my apartment as you become a regular at a cafe in France! Miss you and love you to pieces!
Kate, great blog. Reminding me of wanting to be a regular at Titon. Joel, one of the owners, was telling me all about you and your blog today. I think you will be a regular in no-time. Just don't let them sucker you into making an American brunch.....my demise (call me a sucker, two times). Perhaps we'll meet one day at Titon. I have been the resident améicaine....but, I think I can share the title. See you soon and good luck settling in.
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